Burn The City 1.3Author: gadina |

It's time to "BURN THE CITY"!
You want it? Then you're in luck! Wanton destruction has become easier than ever. Just a touch, targeting and launch. Will soon begin an endless fire action!
★ destructive, explosive action of physical puzzles that you've never seen!
★ delightful character turned to the extermination of mankind!
★ burning fire of a human monster!
★ heaping up of boulders!
★ descent payload of TNT in the city conveniently located cranes!
★ Watch your Savage!
★ If you see a city, kill it with fire!
★ ... and then eat them YUMS, to unleash devastating attacks!
Requires firmware above 3.0
Compatibility: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad
Language: English
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