A Knights Dawn 1.000Author: gadina |

"Knights Dawn" tells the story of the King and his long, hard way to becoming a power. Along with his fearless companions and devoted followers, he must defend his country against endless hordes of evil Invaders. You need to take control of their hands and lead your forces to victory!
- Original graphics
- Strategic multi-level game protection
- Six different units with a variety of abilities
- Special Attacks
- Update for units
- Dramatic original sound effects and voice
- Original Music
- Customizable controls
- Achievement
- And more ...
Requires firmware is not below 4.2
Compatibility: iPhone 3GS, iPhone4, iPod Touch (3 / 4 generations), iPad
Language: English
Links for download:
- letitbit(75.8 MB)
- turbobit(75.8 MB)
- unibytes(75.8 MB)
- shareflare(75.8 MB)
- vip-file(75.8 MB)
- superfolder(75.8 MB)
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